
Tuesday, December 18, 2018

SLJ Day 2

Kumusta everyone! I didn't get to do day 1 of SLJ (Summer Learning Journey) so I'm going to do day 2 instead :)

Activity 1

New Zealand has a really special environment. Many of the plants and trees found in New Zealand are not found anywhere else in the world. These plants and trees are endemic to our country.  In New Zealand, one of the largest and longest living endemic trees is the NZ Kauri tree. Kauri is mainly found in three regions of New Zealand: the Coromandel, Auckland and Northland. The largest Kauri tree in the country is in the Waipoua Forest in Northland. It is called Tāne Mahuta. Some people refer to it as the ‘Lord of the Forest.’
Thousands of people go to visit Tāne Mahuta every year. Would you like to be one of those people who got to see Tāne Mahuta in real life? Why or why not?
On your blog, tell us whether you would like to go and visit Tāne Mahuta one day. Be sure to tell us why you do (or do not) want to visit this endemic tree.
I would love to go and visit Tāne Mahuta because I've never seen a tree that tall and old and plus I want to explore and be adventurous too bad though, my parents are busy with work but if I had a chance to go there, I would! Who would want to miss a chance?
You can also discover a lot of stuff from it and you get to blog about it.

Activity 2 

One of the most common plants found in New Zealand forests is the fern. It is a special, iconic symbol of New Zealand. You will find pictures of ferns on the jerseys of many famous sporting teams in New Zealand, including the New Zealand All Blacks.
Did you know that many of these teams also have the word ‘fern’ in their name? Use your best researching skills to find three New Zealand sporting teams who use the word ‘fern’ in their title.

On your blog list three sports teams that have the word ‘fern’ in their title. Beside each team’s name, post a picture of their uniform. Then, at the bottom of your blog post tell us which of the three uniforms you like best and why.

  • All Blacks

Image result for all blacks uniform

  • Silver Ferns

  •  New Zealand Blackcaps
Image result for new zealand black caps uniform

I like the Silver Fern's Uniform because I think that it has a unique way to represent their country, I mean every uniform is unique in their own way. I pick their uniform not because it's for girls, it's because I prefer wearing it, I would wear it and the design is really cool and simple.

Activity 3

New Zealand is just one of many countries that has amazing plants and trees. In fact, the African desert is home to some pretty incredible plants, like the cactus. Some cacti are able to survive on as little as 3 millilitres (ml) of water a day. Wow!
Let’s imagine that you are given a cactus for your birthday. To keep it alive, you must give it 3 ml of water every day.
Over one full year, how much water will you need to give your cactus plant?
On your blog, tell us how to solve this math problem. You can write your answer in words, use a Sketchpad image, or post a video explaining how you would figure it out. Be sure to give us your final answer in millilitres (ml).
I multiplied 3ml and 365 together (why 365? It's because there are 365 days in a year)
= 1,095ml water a year
= 21ml water a week

Thanks for passing by! :)


  1. Kia ora Skyler,

    My name is Hazel and I am part of the Summer Learning Journey team this year. I am so glad that you have decided to join us as we learn more about the world around us.

    I can tell that you put a lot of effort into your first post - ka pai! I think that a trip to Tane Mahuta would be such an adventure. I was lucky enough to go a few years ago and I couldn't believe how big it was in person! You said that you like to explore; so do I! What is your favourite place that you have been to?

    I agree that the Silver Ferns have a very smart uniform. I play netball once a week with my friends, but we don't have a uniform. What sport/s do you play?

    Well done working out the maths problem. Do you think that it would be easy to take care of a cactus? Would you like to own one?

    I like that you included lots of images in your blog post. Remember, if you are going to use images that you have found online, you need to make sure that you attribute them to the owner. Check out our guide to attributing images here:​

    Keep up the great work, and I look forward to reading more of your blog posts soon.


    Hazel :)

    1. Hello Ms Hazel, I'm really glad that you took your time to comment on my blog, I really appreciate it.

      I've been in Baguio before,it's a city in the Philippines, it's popular for tourists and during summer because of it's beauty and is called the "City of Pines" due to it's cooler weather. There are heaps of places nearby that you can go to, like the "Burnham Park" it's a city park in Baguio where you can ride boats a have a picnic. I recommend that place, you should go there in the future

      I actually play hockey for sports, we don't have uniforms, we use our P.E Uniform instead.

      Thank you for your feedback :)

      Come back again

  2. Hi Skyler,

    Wow, Baguio sounds beautiful. I have never been to the Philippines before, but it is somewhere that I would love to visit. I will definitely keep Burnham Park in mind if I do!

    Hazel :)


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