
Friday, September 21, 2018

WHAT!? Gold Coin?!?!? (Alchemy Science Experiment)

Today at Science, we did an experiment called "Alchemy", I was grouped with Addyson and Keghan, although the both of them weren't really getting along well, when a couple of minutes passed, they were getting along well. 

My Aim: I want to find out how to turn a copper into gold


  • Copper Coin
  • Bunsen Burner
  • Tripod
  • Heat Mat
  • Gauze Mat
  • 50ml beaker
  • Scissor Tongs
  • Zinc Metal
  • Zinc Nitrate solution


Step 1 - Put your safety glasses on.
Step 2 - Set up heating equipment.
Step 3 - Add 50ml of Zinc Nitrate to the beaker.
Step 4 - Add the strips of zinc metal into the solution.
Step 5 - Heat the beaker with a blue flame.
Step 6 - Once the solution is boiling, add the Copper coin on top of the Zinc.
Step 7 - Wait for 10mins.
Step 8 - Using scissor tongs, get the coin and wash it under water.
Step 9 - Still holding the coin with the scissor tongs, hold the coin in the blue flame.

After the experiment, we thought that it wasn't going to turn into gold because instead of turning into gold, it turned silver with a mixture of pink.  I was thinking of touching it, so I did but I didn't expect it to rub off the colour and when it got rubbed off, some areas of the penny turned into gold. 

Overall, it was a really fun experiment, it was fun learning new stuff, maybe if we would've not held the coin on the blue flame for a long time, it would've probably turned gold and it wouldn't have burnt.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Orana park

Orana Wildlife Park! Yay! I was really excited to go to Orana Park because it’s my first time going there and I want to see some wild animals.  The year sevens were the only ones who get to come to Orana Park because they years eights already went there last year. We were put into groups. There were four groups and they were divided into two.

Group one and two got to ride on the first bus while group three and four got to ride on the second bus, however, 7TZ were split into all four groups, that’s why some of them were in group one, two, three and four.  
On the bus, I sat next to Rieya, my bff, it was really boring in the bus so I took my phone out and took some photos of me and Rieya and why not? After we got there we lined up quietly after that we started going in the actual park we were thought about a lot of stuff.
We ate our morning tea for ten minutes before we started. The first animal we went to see was New Zealand’s national/native animal, the kiwi. We weren’t allowed to take photos, and that was a bummer! Did you know that Kiwis carry their eggs for 28 days? At just 6 weeks old kiwi chicks leave their mum and did you also know that female kiwis are larger than male kiwi, it’s because to carry their eggs, their tummy need space for eggs, and kiwis also have no tail and it’s wings are under-developed?

Next is the kea, it was really a big bird. Fun fact, chocolates are toxic to keas. Make sure keas are off your car before you drive because if you drive and there’s a kea on your car, it will just hold tighter. Keas are so smart that if you left your car window open and your bag inside, it would search for your lunch box and when it found it, it will take it away and you’ll NEVER find it EVER again.
Spider monkeys have a thumbprint on their tail. And they also use their tails for balance.
It was really amazing that spider monkeys can use their tail for balance, it’s like watching those jungle movies where monkeys use their tail to hang on a tree.

Lions, I love lions because of their ROAR!!! And lions have the loudest roar of all wild cats, it can be heard from 5 miles away, mind blown!

Tasmanian devil, yesterday we didn’t really get to takes photos of the tasmanian devil because it was hiding behind a plant and it was probably sleeping because it wasn’t moving, it can’t be dead, can it? Tasmanian devils are marsupial and carry their babies in their pouches.  Only the strongest four would survive because the mum only has four teats to feed them from.
Do you also love tigers? I love tigers, lions and cheetah, because they’re all unique, I mean all the wild animals are unique on their own way, it’s just that the three of them interests me, Tigers live alone and spray to make their territory.

Zebras are also unique! It’s rare to have animals with patterns on their skin like zebras, cheetah, tiger and etc.
Zebras are born black and then develop their white stripes. Every zebra has unique stripes and no zebras can have same stripes.

Buffalo loves water from the swamp but for some reason water buffalos hates the rain, when it rains, water buffalos hide under a tree.
After the buffalos we went back to eat our lunch for thirty minutes of course my bff’s and I were talking about stuffs that we learnt while having a tour, after we ate, we still have lots of time so we took some photos.  A couple of minutes later, we lined up on our lines.

Next up is the cheetah, I love cheetahs because they run so fast. I want to be as fast as a cheetah but I don’t if that’s possible anyway, next is the apes. Cheetahs need to rest after they hunt and sometimes their food gets stolen by lions or hyenas.

I was really excited to see the apes, I mean I was excited to see the other animals but I wanted to see apes because I’ve watched a lot of movies about the apes and my favourite one is The Plane of the Apes. The oldest ape is dominant and the young apes MUST give him whatever the oldest ape wants.

Next is the rhino, did you know that rhinos eat the giraffe's grass at Orana Park? So that the giraffes don’t eat it because it makes them sick.

I think that giraffes are cool because they have nice patterns on their skin and it’s also because of their long neck, I feel like they can reach the sky! A fun fact about giraffes is that they can kick in every direction.

Emus are like the same as ostrich and kiwis, they all can’t fly because their wings are really small and haven’t developed yet. They’re like humans because humans can’t fly except if they ride an airplane.

Meerkats take turns at hunting and babysitting and of course standing guard, and meerkats like mongooses can also kill snakes, better run!
Lastly are the Wild dogs, we really didn’t get to see the wild dogs because they were hiding.

After the tour, we went to an area near the parking lot and sat there, we talked about what we have learnt and what we enjoyed.  We thanked Elaine, our tour guide, and lined up to go on the bus. I sat next to Rieya again, we were taking lots of photos and we were having lots of fun, it was a pretty fun trip, we learnt heaps of stuff.  

After we got to school, we played the Gumption Game, it’s like Monopoly, but my friends and I didn’t actually played the game, we just talked about stuff, I got really bored so I went on the other room where my other two friends are, they were colouring in.  It was time to go home, we’re really tired.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Fixed Mindset vs Growth Mindset

W.A.L.T understand the difference between Growth Mindset and Fixed Mindset.

Success Criteria

I know I will be successful when....
  • I create a DLO about Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset.
  • I explain what Growth mindset looks likes, feels like and give examples of what it is in the classroom.
  • I explain what Fixed mindset looks likes, feels like and give examples of what it is in the classroom.
  • I explain how you can change from being fixed to Growth Mindset.
  • I explain what the benefits of having a Growth Mindset.

Today we started making a DLO about having a fixed mindset and a growth mindset, and what they mean. I was in a group of 3, with Tehya and Shane, we are really happy about this slideshow and how it turned out, we think that it's creative and colourful and it has enough of information. Even though Shane didn't help because she doesn't have a device, she still gave us some ideas. I'm really happy about the work that my group did, I think that we can be in a group again. We worked hard on this and we were focused on our work, we had lots of fun making this and sharing our ideas.

What I did good was explaining why I have a growth mindset and decorating the slideshow.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Ice Glue

Today at Science, we didn't know what the experiment was called so I'm going to call it the Ice Glue! The things that we needed were:

  • A bowl of cold water (But we didn't have a bowl so we just used a beaker)
  • A matchstick
  • An ice cube
  • A table salt
This is the instructions if you want to do the experiment yourself:
  1. Place the cube carefully in the bowl (beaker) of cold water
  2. Gently place the matchstick lengthwise on the top of the ice cube
  3. Sprinkle enough salt on the ice cube with the matchstick
  4. Wait for 30 seconds 
  5. Gently lift the ice cube to see if the matchstick was sticking on the ice cube like the matchstick was glued on the ice cube
An explanation 

Why did the matchstick stick on the ice cube?
It's because salt makes the ice colder and it melts it and when the ice gets really cold stuff on it will start to stick, it's like eating an ice block if the ice block is really cold, your tongue will stick to it.  I don't know the actual scientific explanation but I just wrote what I think what happened and how it did it.

Some people didn't really get to do the experiment right because they weren't following the instructions but some people did.

Why do we sprinkle salt on an icy road? So the ice on the road will melt so the road won't be slippery.

Here are the pictures

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Types of Geometry

Type of Geometry

I've been doing this slideshow about different types of Geometry for weeks, we didn't really have time to do this because it has been a busy term for us, we've been learning new topics.  Now that we had time to finish our slideshows, we're able to post it on our blog.

Monday, September 10, 2018

I need you!

I didn't get to post this last week because of my guitar lesson, so I'm posting this right now because I have to, as soon as possible.  I need you to comment on my blog so I can get points, our teacher on cybersmart set us a challenge, the challenge is to get as many points as you can by people commenting on your blog.  I would definitely appreciate it if you comment on my blog, it's a big help for me and it also benefits you and me.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Elephant's Toothpaste

In science, we did an experiment called the Elephant Toothpaste, the people in my group were Blake and Ranit. The experiment was pretty fun although at first, I wasn't sure if it's going to work but it worked.

Elephant’s Toothpaste         

Stuff you need:

  • Safety glasses
  • A cylinder
  • Rubber gloves
  • A tote tray to protect the bench from damage
  • 120ml Hydrogen Peroxide 6%  
  • Dishwash liquid
  • Dry yeast
  • Food colouring
  • Funnel
  • Tablespoon
  • Beaker


  1. Put on your gloves and goggles.
  2. Put a tote tray on the bench and put your cylinder in the tote tray, with the funnel in the top.
  3. Ask the teacher to pour the hydrogen peroxide into your cylinder (via the funnel).
  4. Add 10 drops of food colouring to the cylinder (via the funnel).
  5. Add a tablespoon of dishwashing liquid to the bottle (via the funnel).
  6. Swirl your cylinder around to mix everything together.
  7. In a beaker, mix a tablespoon of dry yeast with 3 tablespoons of warm water and stir for 30 seconds.
  8. Pour the yeast mixture into the cylinder (via the funnel).
  9. Stand back and watch the chemical reaction!
  10. Pour the mixture down the drain afterwards and wash out the cylinder.

Scientific Explanation (How it works):

The yeast and water mixture acts as a catalyst - something that speeds up a chemical reaction in another substance while remaining unchanged itself. When you add this to the cylinder it makes the hydrogen peroxide break down into oxygen and water. The dishwashing liquid traps the oxygen in bubbles to create the foam. Just a small amount of hydrogen peroxide will create a lot of oxygen, so you get loads of bubbles - making your ‘toothpaste’ almost explode out of the cylinder.

Smell and texture: It smelled really weird and the texture was bubbly, you know when you wash dishes and there's like bubbles, that's how it looked like, it's because of the dishwashing liquid, it made bubbly and thick.

Extra for experts:

  1. Is your cylinder warm after the experiment? No
  2. Why? Probably because we added cold water and it made the cylinder cold.