
Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Social Studies: Reflection - Why Do We Still Talk About The Treaty Of Waitangi?

The Treaty of Waitangi is established to respect one another regardless of their culture. These values are used in New Zealand because it allows a wider perspective, build a foundation of trust, understanding and awareness across cultures and beliefs. As a result, the Treaty of Waitangi creates diversity which makes New Zealand a more welcoming and safe place to live in. Lastly, the Treaty of Waitangi enables new knowledge, open ideas, different experiences and new skills. 


Monday, November 22, 2021

Social Studies: The Native American Indian Tribes and the US Government (the Treaty of Hopewell)

In Social Studies, we had to do research about treaties. We had two options to pick from and I chose the Native American Indian Tribes and the US Government, which was the Treaty of Hopewell. We had to research the treaty we have chosen and present the information creatively using text, symbols and visuals. 

There were questions that we had to answer: 

  • Who was the treaty between?
  • How long has the treaty been binding?
  • What are the positives and negatives of being bound by the treaty?
  • Were there any obvious similarities between the people affected by the treaty you have researched and the people affected by the Treaty of Waitangi? 
How this relates to our topic about the Treaty of Waitangi?
The reason why the Treaty of Hopewell relates to the topic of the Treaty of Waitangi is that both treaties are represented to form peace between two groups of people.  In addition, their treaties are formed to create alliances and to access shared resources.

What is a 'Treaty?'
  • A treaty is an international agreement concluded between States in written form and governed by international law. 
  • A treaty is a legally binding international instrument agreed and signed by two or more sovereign nations. 
(The US Government signed 370 treaties along with the Indigenous nations from 1778 to 1871).

Monday, November 15, 2021

Social Studies: My Pepeha

What is Mana? Mana means resonance or prestige, honour, presence, charisma, and spiritual power. 
What is Tapu? Tapu is defined as ‘sacred’ or ‘spiritual restrictions’, Tapu contains a lot of strong prohibitions or rules.
What is Utu? Utu betokens as compensation, retaliation, vengeance. 
How could these values conflict with Europeans? In my opinion, it’s because they are not fond of those values, nor believe in them as something important. 
How were these values different to European values? Europeans who settled in New Zealand were Christians, and believe the bible. They are different because they have different interpretations, and different Gods, beliefs and religions. 

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Social Studies: Maori and European Population in New Zealand in the 19th Century

In Social Studies, we have been learning about the the 'Treaty of Waitangi' / Te Tiriti o Te Waitangi. We also have tasks to do which helps us to adapt more knowledge about the events that occurred. For this task, we had to make a multiline graph that showcase the population data of New Zealand from the 1830s to the 1900s. We also had to answer questions regarding the population drop of the Maori and the increasing population of Europeans. 

 The Population of Maori & Europeans from the 1830s to 1900s

What does the graph show us? The line graph shows us the dramatic change in the population of Maoris and Europeans in New Zealand. We can see that as years pass by, the Maori population was decreasing while the Europeans were rising up. 

Why do you think that number of Maoris decreased, and Europeans increased? The number of Maori declined due to the colonisation of Europeans in the country. Furthermore, the Maori were exposed to new diseases, such as measles, tuberculosis and influenza, which were introduced by the Pakeha settlers in New Zealand during the 19th century. Thereafter, the European population increased as more people discovered the land, a lot of people settled in New Zealand which they lived. 

Monday, November 1, 2021

Film Music Research: What is Film Music?

Film Music Research

What is Film Music?

Film Music is used in filmography to establish the settings of a scene; it creates the atmosphere, it is used to engage the audience, to reinforce narrative developments, last but not least, it provides meaning to the characters, such as their actions, enable the translations of their thoughts, and generates emotions. 

What is the role of a composer?

A composer is the one in charge of producing the music, particularly, arrangement and writing the music. They are the ones who put the parts together, they put the pieces together of various elements, melodies, harmonies, rhythm, dynamics, structure and sensibility to compromise a piece of music.