
Friday, May 31, 2019

Chemistry - Forgeries

Today at Science we did something that also relates to Forensics, it's the handwriting. We were asked to write a signature on a piece of paper and a friend has to copy our signature. Then we put dots on every corner or end of the letters on our own signature and the copy of the signature that our friend had done. We used a tracing paper to trace the dots and compared the two together.Image result for forgery

Graphologists are forensic experts who look at handwriting.

Image result for forgery

Many things can be forged: art works, money, writing, etc

Forgery link

Aim: To Analyse a signature using forensic science.

Image result for forgery


A pen / pencil
Tracing Paper
Writing paper
A ruler


A. Top Of Letter Analysis

1. Sign your name on a sheet of writing paper and get someone else to try to copy it.
2. Place the tracing paper over both signatures and make a dot at the top point of each letter – for both signatures.
3. Join up the dots for both signatures to get two zigzag lines across the signatures. Are the lines the same?

B. Bottom of Letter Analysis

1. Put some fresh tracing paper over both signatures.
2. Put a dot at the bottom of each letter.
3. Join up the dots to make zig zag lines. Are the lines the same?

C. Slant Analysis

1. Put a fresh piece of tracing paper over both signatures.
2. Mark a vertical line down through the middle of each letter (using a ruler), slanting it in the same direction as
the letter.
3. Compare the set of lines for both signatures. 
What do they tell you.


Top Letter Analysis
Are the lines the same?
Almost No, well almost close
Bottom Letter Analysis
Are the lines the same?
they're all differentNo but almost
Slant Analysis
What are the slants telling you?
It's telling me that I neatly wrote itIt's telling me that it followed the lines carefully and she did is calmly without being aggressive. 


I learnt what the signatures of others are telling me. It was fun to talk with my friends about each other's signature. There were some struggles but we managed to get through it.

Activity : Get someone to try to forge your signature and then try both of these methods to analyse it.

Write up the findings based on the following questions.

  Writing analysis of a friends forgery.

The size of the letters – all big, all small, mixed?
Where they dot the ’ i ‘– over the top or off to the left or off to the right, or not at

not at all
How they cross their t – straight, angled up or down, where on the t stroke it
is crossed

Angle Up
The slant of the letters (use a ruler) – forward, backward, upright, mixed

Are there breaks in words, or are all the letters in the words joined up
 there are break in words

The length of stalks on y, q, p, below the lines – long or short

Tane Mahuta

I am part of the Tane Mahuta Group
Our job is to make the world a better place, taking care of our environment.
Today we went around the places where there were trees around and areas that needed plants and shades. My favourite area of the school is the picnic table where big trees that gives it shades for people. My best idea to improve our school is recycling the plastics and using them for art or a project, thinking big and letting our imagination change the plastic. Also planting fruits and vegetables, it could be our food resources for Food Tech. We could also plant more bushes and trees for people who wants to eat under trees and also for the birds to live in and also for oxygens. We could also plant flowers just to make our school a little bit prettier and just bright and colourful.

CIP - Gardening

Wednesday, 3rd of April, 2019

Today, we did our CIP (Community Impact Project) activities. We were given a selection to choose from, on what activity we want to do. There were Jam, Compost and Gardening, the people who chose Jam will be creating a poster to advertise the jams that they made and the jam was homemade, they made it themselves. The people who chose compost, picked up rubbish around the school to help our environment, to make the world a better place. For the gardening people, they picked up weeds from their roots and put it in a bin, now that the area is clean, the year 7 and 8's will be planting seeds in that area to grow some vegetables, fruits or something else. We are doing this to make a big impact on the school and besides, we had fun picking up weeds and helping our community.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Column DLO - Addition & Subtraction

My maths group have been doing a strategy to solve an addition and subtraction problem, we all find the columns really easy than doing number line, breaking the numbers into their place values.

I made a DLO about the strategy I really love to do when doing addition and subtraction for maths. I picked the column one since it's my favourite and it's the easiest way to solve an addition and subtraction equation/problem. 

This DLO is for the people, who don't know the column strategy but I'm sure that pretty much everyone knows this strategy, it's also for the people who don't understand. This DLO is for helping people out when they're struggling with their maths. I hope you learn something from my DLO and use it in the future.

Leave a comment/feedback to help me on my next steps